These workshops can be offered as a series or as individual sessions.
Part One – Go Forward: What does Scripture say about your health habits? You’ll come away challenged and encouraged by God’s Word. (Based on my book Go Forward: 28 Days to Eat, Move, and Enjoy Life God’s Way)
Part Two – Making Habits Stick: This session gives you the thoughts and mental tools to make healthy living a life-long habit. We walk through my eight-part framework to create a plan to transform the actions into habits, and the habits into results.
Part Three – Food is Power: Learn about the nutrition your body needs and how to listen to your body’s signals.
Part Four – Staying Fit for the Journey of Life: How often “should” I exercise? How do I not “bulk up”? Will exercise really help with stress management? Exercise has so many questions and myths attached. Get real answers.
Schedule a workshop today!
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