When you feel like something is holding back your career and you are not sure what it is ... it may be your wellness.
Eight questions to reveal how you can improve your work by improving your wellness
The research on the connection between your healthy habits and your success
Examples you can use today to move from burnout to breakthrough
Eight questions to ask yourself:
1. How is my health and fitness helping me be successful?
2. How is my health and fitness preventing next level success?
(Either because not feeling my best OR because I’m trying to optimize my fitness and I’ve lost balance – listen to http://www.thevireolife.com/podcast/2023/4/27/ep-35-surprising-signs-you-may-be-maximizing-wellness-to-your-hurt )
3. Do I wake up and within an hour I’m energized and looking forward to what I’ll get done?
4. When do I mentally check out? When do I go through motions? When do I feel tension and thoughts spin? (All the time? Certain days? Certain situations? After a big project? With certain people?
5. When do I feel exhausted and unmotivated?
6. What things can I do during day to stay mentally calm alert/engaged?
7. What snack or lunch is both easy and fit in a Powerful Plate?
8. When do I most need to take breaks? What types of breaks recharge me the most?
Wondering how sitting and standing differ in your ability to succeed?
Check out these two resources to learn even more -