5 Herbs for Stress Management

Are you in (or just out of) a stressful time?  I encourage you to live the essentials of exercise, sunshine, Intuitive Eating and Powerful Plate, prayer, meditation...

While those habits are working on your stress, if you need a boost, these five herbal teas/infusions may help, too.  (Of course, just making a cup of tea sounds relaxing, right?)

Oh, if you are wondering like I did, "What's the difference between a tea and an infusion?" - it is simply how long the herb steeps.  An infusion can be steeped for several hours.

Which of these herbs do you already use?  What other herbs do you like for stress management?


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A Test for Life Balance

I'm still studying for my Continuing Education Exam (less than two weeks away!) and learning new ways to help my private and group clients.  In my studying, I find interesting parallels between the physical body and our daily life.  Here's one reflection to help your body and how you live your life.

First, the basics of the physical side of this comparison:  A new assessment came out a few years ago called the "McGill's Torso Muscular Endurance Test Battery."  It is three tests of your core endurance that are compared with each other.  

Can you hold the front of your core (trunk flexion) steady and for how long?  (Below is a picture of the test.)


Then, test how long you can hold a lateral plank.  (See the picture below.)


Last, can you contract your trunk extensors and for how long?  (Demonstrated below.)


This battery of tests indicates your back health and chance of future back pain.  Here is the catch.  It is NOT about how STRONG you are, meaning how much weight you can lift.  It is about how much you can ENDURE, measured in time.  

Also, it is NOT about how "well" you do on one test.  It is about the ratio (the balance) BETWEEN the tests.  For example, if someone held the flexion test for three minutes, I'd say "wow!"  But, if that same person held the extensor test for two minutes, even though that sounds great, the ratio is flipped of what it should be.  (The extensors should have more endurance than the flexors.)  The actual numbers do not matter as much as the proper balance between them.  In these tests, balance does not mean equal, but correct ratios.

So, what does this have to do with life?  You've probably already put it together.

Is your physical life dominating your experience right now?  Are you neglecting relationships?  Perhaps you are investing so much time in your relationships that you are not taking care of your finances?  Just like the battery of tests, having an equal amount of time on each is not appropriate.  You need to invest more time in some areas than others.

Emergencies in one life area create imbalance.  If that is your experience right now, acknowledge it and set a target to gently get back in balance.

Last, remember this is about endurance, not strength.  So set yourself up to have physical, mental/emotional, spiritual, and relational reserves.

Where do you need to invest more?  In what areas (or time-wasters) do you need to spend less?  Time to break out the journal and test your life balance.


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Learning, Laughter, and What You Need to Throw Out

In staying current with health and fitness research, my certifications require "Continuing Education Units."  I'm in the final weeks of intense study for an exam, so I'd thought I'd share some of the highlights I'm learning and laughter I'm enjoying.  Plus, give you some tips to create a healthy life.


The first one is laughter.  In the chapter on communicating with clients, an "understatement of the year" is made ... "Listening is a skill that is always easier said than done."  Can anyone else relate?


The next highlight is more serious.  Exercise keeps our heart healthy and keeps our energy up.  But, in this chapter we review the various balance and planes of movement. Why is that important to you?  Having an exercise program that includes training in balance and moving well means that you will be able to "do life" for a "lifetime" - and with less risk of injury.


So...if I ever have you do some strange looking movements like these, I actually have a reason for it.  (You can still laugh at me when I'm teaching them to you, though.)


Here's a final thought, and likely the most important one.  (Because it doesn't do you any good if I show you some funny looking movements if they aren't practiced, right?)  I was just talking with someone yesterday about this tip:  Environment!

We do what is habit.  We do what is easy.  So, make exercise and eating well easier for yourself.  Ask yourself...

  • What is in your environment that cues you to eat poorly or be sedentary?  What do you need to throw out (or at least re-arrange)? 
  • What needs to be in your environment to make eating healthy and moving fun?  Add it.

For example, a dirty kitchen discourages me from cooking.  Curling up on the sofa to watch a movie clip makes me not want to finish my stretching for the day.  So, I've found my ways around that.  (Doug helps keep the kitchen clean and if I've not finished stretching, I often pull out my stretch mat as we watch part of a movie.  We've not had to throw out the sofa yet.)

What are your ways to create an environment to live healthy?


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The battle between meal planning and Intuitive Eating


Last week I had a client ask me a massively insightful question:  "How do I both Powerful Plate meal plan for the week and listen to what my body wants in the moment?"

Let's dig into that.  It is smart to plan your menus for the week.  Cooking is much easier when you have thought ahead for the ingredients you will need, plus you provide a variety throughout the week of flavors and colors.  (For those of you who have watched the Nourish Your Life workshop, you know how important it is to eat a rainbow.)  However, what if you have planned a main-course salad for Thursday, but when Thursday comes the weather is cold.  You and your family want something hearty and hot, not light and cold.

First, remember that your menu plan is a guide.  Perhaps when you see that the weather is turning cold, thawing out the chili you froze the week before (because you were smart and made a double batch) can be the main course, and add the salad as a side for your vegetable.  No frozen chili in your freezer?  Perhaps Thursday and Friday plans can switch.  Perhaps you can pick up chicken to grill, so there is hot meat on top of the salad.  Flexibility and creativity.



Second, in the moment continue to ask yourself the Intuitive Eating questions.  Do I want something hot, cold, crunchy, soft, creamy, or spicy?  If salad is planned for dinner but you want something soft, have the salad and then a banana for dessert.  If you are craving citrus fruit, have whatever is planned for the meal and add an orange as part of your carbohydrate source.  If a basic chicken, vegetables, rice meal is planned but you want something spicy, bring the hot spices to the table and add your own flavors during the meal.

Unless you hire a short-order cook (or are okay to become one for every member of your family), you won't always have exactly what you want for every meal.  The purpose of the Intuitive Eating questions is to help you not eat mindlessly whatever is there, as well as creatively satisfy your desires as best you can.

How do you reconcile healthy menu planning with listening to what your body tells you in the moment?


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The Recipe for Breakfast at Dinner


This week I was helping a client with meal planning and she said "We like to have breakfast for dinner.  How can we do that healthy?"  Frittata to the rescue!  Tons of veggies and ample protein.  Plus leftovers for (literal) breakfast, lunch, or snacks the next day.

I got inspired and made a double batch that night.

Here's the recipe I use, adapted from the William-Sonoma/Mayo Clinic Cookbook:

  • 6 eggs
  • 2 Tbsp savory, thyme, or other fresh herbs
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 leeks, white and light green thinly sliced
  • 1 cup frozen spinach, thawed
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas, thawed
  • 1/2 tsp ground pepper
  • 1/4 cup grated Swiss cheese
  • 1/2 cup diced yellow and red bell pepper

Whisk together the eggs and herbs

Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat.  Saute the leeks

Add the spinach, peas, pepper.  Stir and flatten into even layer.

Pour the egg mixture over.  Cook, shaking the pan occasionally.  

When eggs are semi-set, sprinkle with cheese and bell pepper.  Cover and continue to cook until eggs are done.

Alternate:  (Which is what I did with the double batch) Heat overn to 400F. Saute the leeks.  Transfer leeks to a baking dish, continue the layering as above, without cooking the eggs.  Cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes.  Remove foil and bake another 15-20 minutes until eggs are set.

Now comes the best part.  Enjoy!


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A Secret to Life Dreams - Hidden in Ice Cream

Last week I met Nicole Sanborn.  She's a woman with an amazing story of how her health challenges, plus Intuitive Eating, plus her determination created a life she loves today.  Her story will encourage you to listen to your body's signals and not give up on your dreams.

Her ice cream?  It's not a side interest.  It is actually one of the drivers in her journey.  Fortunately, she has not kept the secret to herself.  She has turned her dream into Smirk Ice Cream.

(P.S. - I'm not mad in the picture ... just a funny thumbnail the system picked, huh?)


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3 (Unexpected) Ways to Increase Your Confidence


Remember your mother telling you to sit up straight?  Or, more recent, when did you last remind your children to stop slouching?  While good posture is critical for joint health throughout your life, it also helps you succeed in your relationships and career.  It is one of three unexpected ways to increase your confidence.

1.  Sit and stand tall.  In a study from Ohio State University people were told to write down why they thought they were qualified for a professional job.  One group was told to sit up straight while they wrote.  The other group was instructed to slouch.  The group that sat up straight were significantly more likely to believe what they wrote about themselves.

Do you have a critical meeting?  Sit tall.  Are you on the phone with "big-wig" later today?  Before you dial the number, stand up and stand straight.


2.  Exercise.  It's not just about lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol.  Numerous studies link regular exercise, like walking, to promoting clear-thinking, improving memory and reaction time, as well as increasing self-esteem.  

Are you anxious about important decisions?  Are you traveling to meet with a possible client next week?  Go for a few walks and you will have greater confidence to decide and act.

3.  Start a small new health habit.  Why?  Success breeds success. 

Decide to drink a glass of water each morning and, after you have succeeded, your confidence increases.  Choose to have a side salad instead of fries for a week and by the end of the week, notice how you are congratulating yourself on a job well-done.

Do these three simple steps and you will increase your confidence.  Increase your confidence and you will improve how you relate with others and advance in your goals.  Mom was right.


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The Heartfelt Truth about Exercise - how much is enough?


In this world of "all-or-nothing" thinking, high intensity exercise, and no-pain-no-gain workouts, it is easy to stay on the sofa.  No more.  Grab your walking shoes - or even just a comfortable pair of slip-ons.

February is National Heart Month, so let's talk about how much exercise is needed for heart health.

Three times/week of 15-30 minutes of brisk walking can help lower high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  What's brisk?  If you can carry on a conversation with a little bit of effort, you are at a brisk pace.  (If you can talk as though you were still sitting on the sofa, umm, it is not a brisk pace.)

Also, in a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 39372 females over the age of 45 were followed for 4-7 years.  Vigorous activities and walking were studied, in relation to heart disease.

The results?  Vigorous activity (for example, running) "were associated with lower risk."  But, walking also "predicted lower risk."  Interestingly, when walking time and walking pace were analyzed, it was "time spent walking, but not walking pace" that "predicted lower risk." 

Even just one hour of walking per week lowered risk of heart disease, regardless of weight or cholesterol levels.

What's your take-away?  If you like to run or do structured exercise programs, and your joints allow it, go for it.  If you don't enjoy that, get off your sofa, put on some comfy shoes, and go for a walk. 

The key is consistency.  The decreased risk was not in the women who ran or walked during January of each year and then stopped.  Pick activities you enjoy (walking, running, hiking, swimming, cycling, tennis, circuit classes, ...) and commit to move throughout the week.


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5 things to do with leftover Valentine's chocolate


So, your sweetheart gave you a big box of chocolate for Valentine's Day?  Yippee!  Until the sugar rush hits from more than a couple of pieces.  So what to do with all the extra chocolate?

1.  If you aren't a big fan of the chocolate (or at least not the kind you received), take it to work or to friends to share.  Someone will surely like it.

2.  Freeze it to use later in recipes calling for chocolate, whether cakes, pies, or melting over fresh fruit.


3.  Freeze it to use in trail mix.  (Freeze it for a day.  Remove from freezer and cut into small pieces.  In resealable sandwich bags, add a small handful of frozen chocolate pieces.  Add a mix of nuts, dried fruit, seeds, etc. with the chocolate for trail mix.  When you are heading out to hike, grab a bag.  The chocolate will not melt as quickly when it starts out frozen.

4.  Keep out 3-4 of your favorite pieces to savor over the next week.  The key is to savor.  When I was a kid we'd make french vanilla pudding once every few months.  I knew I would only get this favorite treat on occasion, so I made a game of how slowly I could eat it and how long a bite would stay in my mouth until I swallowed it.  Make a game of how long a piece of chocolate can last.

5.  Toss it (discreetly).  Not your favorite pieces, of course.  You and your tastebuds are worth enjoying the best.  Part of Intuitive Eating is savoring what you really enjoy.  If there are some pieces you don't like, don't waste yourself on them.   

Happy Valentine's Day!


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HWSS. The best secret you want to share.


It will hopefully not be a secret for long.  HWSS my shorthand for Intuitive Eating basics.  Here's an overview of how we were created to eat.  Use the questions before you eat to listen to your needs.

H - Hunger.  Are you physically hungry?  What are the signs your body gives you that you are ready to eat?  What are the symptoms that say you've waited too long?   

W - Want.  What do you want to eat?  Not what do you think you crave for fear of deprivation.  But what would "feel good" after you've eaten it?  Are you needing a particular fruit?  Are a balanced meal?  Does fish or red meat sound most satisfying right now?  Really tune into the subtle cues.

S - Slow and savor.  Don't eat with distraction.  Research consistently shows that we overeat by 10% when we eat while doing other tasks (even reading this blog).  Present your food well.

S - Stop when you are satisfied.  What cues does your body give that you've had enough?  Is the taste diminishing from when you started to eat?

In March, which is National Nutrition Month, I'll delve in a little deeper.  My challenge to you right now is pick one letter each week and practice listening to your body.  Then let me know - either here or on Facebook (facebook.com/TheViREOLife) about what you've learned.  Share this with your dieting-again friends.  Let's not keep this a secret.


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Is it the Industry? Is it the Plan? Or...

I was reading what someone wrote about financial investing strategies.  "If my investing is going badly, it is one of only two possibilities: either something in the plan is not working or I am not adhering to the plan.  Discipline improves my chance of success."


I immediately thought of one attempted investment in our health.  Dieting.  Ugh.  For years I thought the diet rollercoaster was because of not adhering to the plan (a.k.a. the latest diet fad).  Turns out that something in the plan (diet) was not working.  Not a particular diet, but the overall concept of dieting. 

Research is showing us repeatedly now how dieting sets up a subtle fear of deprivation and triggers our boundary protection.  If you have ever experienced the "last supper binge" you know about the fear of deprivation.  "I'm going to eat all the chocolate in the house, because for the next 90 days I won't eat any sweets."  Then 5 days into it, you "cheat" and binge again.  Because you are starting again Monday.

Also, when an external rule (even one you make for yourself) says you can only have so many calories or grams of ___, your sense of autonomy says "Really?  Just watch me."  Then we beat ourselves up for lack of discipline.

There is an answer.  Intuitive Eating.  In Part Two I'll introduce you to how you were designed to eat.


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Avoiding Germs in the Gym - Seven Simple Steps


Eww, gross.  That phrase is often heard (or thought) in gyms and it becomes a reason many people avoid working out at a gym.  But seven simple steps will keep the germs in check.  Plus, remember that exercise improves your immune system.  Even if you are exposed to a few germs at the gym, you are still healthier in the long-run for going.

1.  The most effective advice outside the gym is most effective in the gym. Do not touch your face. (Admitted, this can be a challenge if you have sweat sliding toward your eyes.)  

2.  Based on the first tip, bring your own face towel to wipe your face. Even if your gym provides towels, you don't know how (or by whom) they have been handled, so at least for your face, bring your own.

3.  Before you get on the exercise equipment with your personal towel, use the disinfecting spray and gym-provided towel (see number five) to wipe down any areas hands usually touch. Bars and control boards are the most common.


4.  If someone is coughing and sneezing, avoid them by at least three feet. If the gym is small, that may mean switching the order of your workout. Usually do weights first and there's a someone dripping their runny nose on the bench press? Time to head to the treadmills.

5.  If your gym does not provide disinfecting spray and cleaning towels, talk to management about how you come to the gym to get healthy.

6.  Oh, we must talk about the gym mats and carpet. Nasty, smelly, germ-containers that you don't notice until you are doing a push-up with your nose a couple of inches from them. No problem. Either go to a hard surface which does not trap as many germs or bring your own mat.


7.  The locker room is a treasure-trove of germs. Here are two essentials.  First, wash your hands thoroughly, especially before touching your face to apply make-up or shave your face.  Second, never let your feet touch the floor to avoid athlete's foot and toenail fungus.  Wear your "beach shoes" even in the shower and steam room.  

These basic tips have proven central to staying well at the gym. The shoe tip became personal when working at a high-end gym. (Side note - germs do not discriminate by monthly dues.) I went into the steam room without shoes. I came out with athlete's foot.  Learn from my mistake.

Follow these simple steps - even when you are not at the gym - and avoid the germs.  


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5 tips to stop walking around confused about your exercise

"Should I exercise in the morning or night?  Should I do cardio first or last?  Do I need to lift weights - and, if so, how do I stay safe?"

As you start the New Year and you want to exercise, sometimes the "what do I do?" questions keep you from starting.  So, here are some guidelines to get you moving:


1.  There are pros/cons physically for both morning and evening exercise.  So the BEST time to exercise is when it works for your lifestyle.  If you try a certain time and it doesn't work, try another time.  Once you find your time, block it like any appointment for consistency.

2.  If you are doing both cardio and strength training in the same session, ideally, warm up for 5 minutes, then do your strength training, then your cardio.  However, unless you are doing intense cardio (intervals, etc.), you can try both ways to find your preference.


3.  You do need to lift weights.  It improves your bone density (and you know after last week's video how important that is to me), increases your metabolism, and keeps you strong for the activities of life now and long-term.  For safety, for the first two weeks start with half the weight you think you can do.  Invest in a few sessions with a personal trainer to check your form.  

4.  Move throughout the day.  More research is coming out about "sitting is the new smoking."  Every 30-60 minutes get up and walk around for 3-10 minutes.  If you need to ask a co-worker a question, don't instant-message.  Walk to his or her desk.  If you need to take a restroom break, take one flight of stairs to the restroom on another floor.

5.  Stretching after (not before) your exercise is important.  Walking or another warm-up is important before your workout, but you don't want to stretch muscles that are "cold."  Invest time stretching after exercise.

Of course, no matter what, try different activities to find what you enjoy.  Have fun!  (I guess that would be tip #6?)


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What I learned from a medical fluke

In November and December I dealt with a medical fluke and some strong meds. I learned a few lessons:

1.  God is the ultimate Healer, healing beyond what can be done through medical science.  (And I am so grateful He gave us the knowledge for medical science.)

2.  I have an amazing support team.  If you don't have a group that you lean on, start building one now.

3.  Well, for the third one (and for the medical fluke story), watch the video.  You will also learn how to increase your motivation for exercise and eating well.


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The best ways to get a family healthy together

Families are pulled into so demands and distractions, and away from living healthy together.  I've worked with several couples and families to improve their exercise and nutrition and I want to share the best ways I've found to help all ages get healthy together.

Your journey starts with questions:

  • What are the personalities of your family members?  Who is competitive? Who is high-energy? Who prefers solo or methodical activities?  On the other hand, who gets bored easily or wants lots of people involved? While no one will get their liking every time, include each person's regularly.
  • What are the strengths of each family member?  Organized? Research-oriented? Creative? Curious?  You'll want to use each person's strengths to get them excited about the activities.  For example, who can research what supplies to take on a day-hike?  Who can find three hiking trails to pick between?  Who can pack sandwiches for after a hike?  The answers should not all be "Mom."
  • Is your goal to get everyone active and eating well for the moment or to stimulate a love of movement and good food for a lifetime?  (I'm going to guess the latter, so my ideas below reflect a lifetime goal.)

Physical Activity ideas I have seen be fantastic for busy families:

  • Walk and talk.  This foundational activity is so important.  Even just once a week, perhaps on a Sunday afternoon, allows a free-flow of conversation and builds trust.  My personal experience is from my mother and I walking when I was very young.  By the time I hit my teenage years and needed a sounding-board, we were already in the habit of walking and talking.
  • Jump-rope contests for the competitive ones.  And talk about funny video/photo moments!
  • Too cold out?  Do what my friend, Devika Kumar (the owner of Hendersonville CycleBar) does with her daughter - turn on some funky music and have a dance-off
  • Martial arts.  Most martial arts gyms have both adult and youth classes available.  If there is traditional exercise equipment available, parents can lift weights/cycle while the kids are in class.  Then the kids can do homework while the parents are taking class.  It's not "together" - but it is a shared experience you can discuss.
  • Water sports.  Kayak.  Canoe.  Sail-boat.  Stand-up paddleboard.  Unless you live by the water, these are not daily activities.  But they are great to add in the activity mix and fun motivation, learning skills together.  "The reason we are doing X exercise is so we won't be sore when we paddleboard this summer."
  • Cycling. Depending on your neighborhood your kids may ride bikes all summer, or you may take them to a park to ride.  Simply get a bike for yourself and join them.  And those squats you are doing during the winter will help you with that this summer.
  • Gardening.  Start small.  (Containers or a 4'x4' raised bed.)  This is a great way to introduce kids to how food is grown and get them away from the screen and into the sunshine.
  • Hiking.  A classic family exercise.  But with a few challenges to overcome.  One family I took hiking had one child who was older and faster. The younger child, said she wanted hike the "tough trail" - and, as anticipated, half-way through started complaining.  Watching for frogs, bugs, deer, and so forth proved the distraction she needed.  Lesson?  Even if a child says "let's do the big one" - stick to the easier trails first.
  • Movement games.  This idea goes against "traditional" exercise.  I worked with a family whose father was a "go-hard-or-go-home" exerciser.  The 10-ish year old girls were not.  My goal was to create movement the girls enjoyed and memories that would encourage them to stay active all of their lives.  Frisbee golf, roller-blading, tag games, and so on got them moving and sweating...at least with each other and with Mom.

What about healthy eating for busy families?

  • One family decided to take one summer and deeply connect.  Little to no electronics and gadgets and passive-entertainment.  They spent their free time cooking from scratch, walking and playing games, and doing projects around the house.  "Busy" did not allow them to do that during the school year, but for a few weeks during the summer they traded passive-busy for connection and healthy eating.  Even now the mother says she keeps some of the cooking habits she taught herself that summer.  (Side note: the family lost weight without trying.)
  • A family I helped start eating healthy decided to divide the meal duties as follows: together they (or the mom/dad) decide the menu for the week and write it on the kitchen chalkboard; the parents order the food; the son (who wants opportunities to drive) picks up the food; the father and daughter have weekly connection time while pre-chopping the veggies for the week; the mom gets her creative outlet in cooking - without having to cut vegetables every day.  Then the kids alternate nights cleaning the kitchen.  The family discovered and used each person's strengths.

Three tips for the "busy-ness":

Shameless boast.  This is my cousin who is heading off to college next year on a baseball scholarship.  We're so proud!

Shameless boast.  This is my cousin who is heading off to college next year on a baseball scholarship.  We're so proud!

  • As kids get older and want to hang out with friends, invite the friends to participate in the exercise or cooking.  This means less time playing chauffeur.
  • "Together" does not have to be "physically together" all of the time. If your goal as a family is to run/walk a 5K together, everyone can train during the week when their schedule allows, then train together on Saturday mornings.
  • Sports-families (like my cousin's above) have a challenge.  Perhaps one child is in baseball and basketball.  Another in gymnastics and swimming.  A third is hooked on video-games. What I've seen work beautifully is each year encouraging each child to select one sport, so there is more time for family activity.  The video-games?  You have to decide how you want to limit that.  But while you are waiting on the baseball game to start, frisbee in the parking lot sounds like a lot more fun to me.




How I Reflect and Plan ... Part Two


After reading journals, reviewing lessons, and celebrating accomplishments, it is time to plan the next year.  (Here's Part One for the questions I use to reflect.)

Planning the year begins with reviewing my Personal Mission and Vision Statement.  While I read my Mission/Vision every week during the year, I take a few minutes to determine if any of it needs to change as I've grown during the past year.  If you do not have a Personal Mission and Vision Statement, the Franklin Covey Institute has a great Mission Statement Builder.  It is what I used to fine-tune mine several years ago.

Then I review my Life Areas:  Spirit, Mind/Emotions, Physical Health/Energy, Self-Care, Relationships, Home, Financial, Business, World-Impact.  Are my over-arching Intentions in those areas still current for my desires in life?  For example, my Intention with Home is "My home is an organized, health-enhancing, and refreshing retreat for me, Doug, and our family/friends."

For each Intention, I review last year's goals.  Are there any to keep, update, eliminate?  From reviewing the current year, are there new goals to add for next year? My Health/Energy Intention is "I choose living to maximum health and fitness and genuine extraordinary energy."  One of the goals that has carried forward many years (and I'm sure will this year, too) is "I learn and consistently take steps to prevent disease and aches/pains and to increase well-being and healthy aging."

Then for my Intentions and Goals I ask, "What would that look like?"  For preventing aches/pains one description is "correct posture; no imbalances - shoulders square, spine and pelvic tilt in place." (I found myself straightening as I typed that.  Pretty interesting.)

Next to last is the action steps.  This is where traditional goal setting kicks in. 

  • What will I do, by when? 
  • Can this be delegated?  Who can help? 
  • How important is this action to get me to the goal? 
  • How important is this goal/action in relation to other goals?
  • Does this need to be done at 100% or "good enough?"

Last is accountability. 

  • Tracking  
  • Sharing my goals with a friend
  • Putting start and finish dates on my calendar
  • Placing visual reminders/cues for new habits 

Enjoy the review.  Enjoy the planning.  But most of all, enjoy the moments and reaching your goals in the coming year.


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It's about that time ... How I reflect and plan

My journals from many years ... with, of course, my Nancy Drew diary from childhood.  If you've read my book Go Forward: 28 Days to Eat, Move, and Enjoy Life God's Way, you'll remember my affection for Nancy Drew.

My journals from many years ... with, of course, my Nancy Drew diary from childhood.  If you've read my book Go Forward: 28 Days to Eat, Move, and Enjoy Life God's Way, you'll remember my affection for Nancy Drew.

My pastor has a saying that goes something like "How you exit is how you enter."  How you end this year is how your begin next year.

At the end of each year I read through that year's journal, review my plans/project notes, and reflect on my relationships.  I'd like to say this is a quaint experience, with tea in hand by a fireplace.  The reality is that I move from office to kitchen table to the local library, as I really dig in for several hours over the course of a week.

Here are the questions I answer:

  1. What are the themes I see?  (Topics that come up regularly? Both growth and struggles.)
  2. What are the lessons to carry forward?
  3. Is there any change I am currently in that I need to handle differently?
  4. Is there any change coming up this next year for which I need to prepare?
  5. Is there any change coming up over the next 7 years for which I need to prepare?  (I got this idea from a friend who said "Don't think of life in 10 year markers - ages 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and so on.  Think of life in 7 year markers - ages 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63 and so forth, because it is easier on the ego and our bodies change more at those markers than at 10 years."  I don't know if her reason is true, but the 7 year markers work well for me.)
  6. Were there any difficult times this year that I need to understand better?
  7. What relationships do I want to add?  Subtract?  Why?
  8. Evaluate: My systems, resources, motivation-passion-joy
  9. For what am I grateful?
  10. What are successes and fun events to celebrate?  (And how will I celebrate them?)

Because I refer back to my journals periodically, I also add a table of contents (by theme) to my journals.  It has been fun over a few years to see certain themes become less frequent (such as the diet mentality) and others become more focused (such as mindfulness/intention).

One of the "table of contents" to help me find ideas and points of growth.

One of the "table of contents" to help me find ideas and points of growth.

If you don't regularly journal or keep notes from your year, just go to your social media sites to get triggers to answer your questions.

After reflection, then it is time to plan the next year ... I'll share that process next.

For now, go grab of cup of tea as you reflect on your successes and lessons this year.


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5 Gifts for a Meaningful Christmas and Healthy New Year

Giving thoughtful gifts that mean something.  It's something we all want to do ... not just another gift card to a restaurant that you don't even know they if they like.  So, here are 5 gifts that support and care for the people in your life.  The first two are especially for women; the last three are for men, women, and families.  

Self-Care Monthly Box

I met these amazing moms in November.  Each month Bethany (the mom on the right) sends a self-care package to subscribers ... something for the spirit, the mind/emotions, and the body.  What a wonderful way to strengthen the women in your life with a monthly self-care package!


Their focus is "Taking self-care from a hope to a habit."  I agree.  Subscribe the mother in your life at www.ezermama.com

Made-from-scratch Mineral Makeup

Another great gift idea for women is makeup that is free of toxins.  We don't put junk in our bodies ... no need to put junk on our skin either. 


I've been using Emily's eyeshadows for a year now and love them.  She makes small batches in her home studio.  Don't know which colors to buy for a gift?  Emily has gift certificates.  Another huge plus?  A portion of "Redeeming Beauty Minerals" proceeds go toward Operation Beauty from Ashes - rescuing children from abuse in Thailand.

Order some stocking stuffers from www.redeemingbeautyminerals.com

Go Forward: 28 Days to Eat, Move, and Enjoy Life God's Way

Who do you know who wants to grow their relationship with God and learn what God says about healthy living?  Order a copy of Go Forward for them to start off the new year on the right path. 


Order their copy of Go Forward hereTheir book can be shipped directly to them.

New Year - New You Series

Who do you know who is ready to begin (or begin again) a healthier life?  In January I am offering a 6 week tele-course to help couples and families who struggle with making healthy choices fit their busy lives.  (And since I'm offering a "bring a friend" rate, you can join in and support them.)  A gift that will set them up for success in the New Year.

Email me at sheri@thevireolife.com for details.

Nourish Your Life

For the friend who has yo-yo dieted and is confused by complicated food rules.  This video/audio will set them free! 

(Nourish Your Life is available in DVD, CD, and downloadable.)

Nourish Your Life, DVD

Wishing you a very healthy, fun, fulfilling Christmas with your family and friends. 

May you get all your heart desires and may you give love, health, and joy to everyone you meet.



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8 Tips to Handle Holiday Stress


I was talking with two friends earlier this week about holiday stress vs. holiday rest. 

Friend #1 has kids in high school and college, so they are "fending for themselves" most of the time.  She spent the day after Thanksgiving in her PJ's resting - all day.  Her Christmas prep isn't complete, but she feels on track and isn't stressed.

Friend #2 has grown children, also, but with a toddler and newborn grandchild who came to stay unexpectedly for 5 days over Thanksgiving. (Her daughter's house heat went out.)  So after Thanksgiving, she didn't get to rest or decorate for Christmas.  She feels stressed because does not know when she will "get it all done," since she has committed to several December events.  We talked about possible ways to handle the stress.

Here are 8 ways to rest vs. stress this year:

Get focusedWhat is most important for your holidays THIS year?

  1. What holiday activities give you more joy and energy than they take?  Does baking for your friends and family relax you or leave you exhausted?  Does putting up the tree give you the most joy? Then put up the tree and skip the rest.
  2. If you are in a "life-transition" don't try something new.  Doug and I made this mistake our first Christmas.  We were crazy about a made-from-scratch pineapple jam from our honeymoon in Belize.  So, we got the recipe and decided to make it for Christmas gifts, thinking it would be a fun, easy project.  (The resort chef said it was easy.) Hours (and hours and days) later with an everywhere-sticky-kitchen we realized everyone would have been just as happy with a gift card.
  3. Recognize not just the season of Christmas, but the season of your life.  When I talked with Friend #2 about her plan, she decided to forgo some of the decorating.  Her memories with grandchildren over Thanksgiving was more important. For myself, when we were remodeling our entire house, I cringed at the thought of Christmas decorations on top of blue painters tape and gutted walls and ripped up carpet.  Pure chaos.  So we put a few ornaments on our bamboo tree and went to look at everyone else's decorations.  Simple.
  4. What do you really enjoy once it is done...but don't have the energy or time to do now?  Outsource.  Use technology.  Whether it is a Christmas card service or decorators or caterers, even professional shoppers, there are people out there to make your holidays easier so you can do what only you can do.  Only you can sit at the family table and play games with your kids.  Only you can go walk with a friend who needs some Christmas cheer.  Only you can sit by a fire and thank God for the good in your life.

Go all in!

  1. Some years, you just go for it.  Schedule time off from work and other activities and go 100% at making memories.  Pick a couple of friends and spend a four day weekend decorating each other's homes together.  Plan another four day weekend for shopping.  Turn on Christmas music 24/7.  Block the weekend before the family gathering to pre-cook (all) your favorite dishes.  Go to every party invite, even if you only stay for an hour.  And then plan to take the first week of January to recover.  Embrace the season completely.
  2. Get organized for gifts ... set up a wrapping station, make your gift list and block one weekend to shop on line and in store.  If you are like us, we purchase gifts throughout the year.  Pull out your "gift stash" before you make your shopping list.  Who knows, there may even be a re-gift option that is absolutely perfect for Aunt Betsy.
  3. Get organized for cards ... hopefully you purchased a few boxes of cards on sale last January.  We have a list of people and addresses in Excel that we update each year, with columns for "written, addressed, mailed."  On a Friday night (one without a party invite), put a log on the fire and Christmas music on your phone and write several cards.  Then keep a box and the list with you for when you are waiting in the dentist's office or on a plane or when you are on a stationery bike for your workout.

Get out of town.


The final tip?  Escape the stress completely.  Book a cruise or a spa-vacation.  Or hole-up in your favorite mountain cabin.  Skip the cards, other than a mass Facebook post when you return from your great trip.  Gift cards for the kids is the only shopping allowed.  Eat fresh seafood by the ocean.  Go for a hike in the snow.  You might come back feeling as jolly as Santa.



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Eight ways to fit in fitness and rock the holidays


Years ago when making the holiday-rounds to family, in-laws, cousins, and so on I got teased about a dog bite.  Seriously.  No compassion.

I had been walking/running that morning and a dog came out and bit me.  Despite the teasing, I said (and still believe) "You should get to do what you love on your birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas." 

It was more than just doing what I loved.  I feel more energized when I move on those days of sitting, traveling, and eating.  Often I like to walk both in the morning and between the feasts.  Beyond the energy, getting out to walk also helps relieve any stress from family in close quarters.  Even in a healthy family, after several hours interacting, I need a break.

Here are Eight Ways to increase your fitness while enjoying the festivities:

  1. At another family member's house? Volunteer to take the dogs for a walk.  (Especially if there are other dogs in the neighborhood.)
  2. Take balls and Frisbees to get games going with the kids outside.
  3. Walk first thing in the morning, before the feasting-rounds.  It will be cold, but you know it will be worth it, should situations not allow you to walk later.
  4. Embrace the full parking lots when shopping for gifts.  Get in as many steps as possible.
  5. Before you load yourself with packages, walk 2 laps inside the mall.  See who has the best sales and plan your shopping strategy while you walk.  (Or combine #1 and #5 like the picture below...walk the dog at the mall???)
  6. Watching a favorite holiday movie?  Strength train and stretch during commercials and anytime you can quote the lines.
  7. Be inefficient.  When you are getting decorations from the attic, don't try to carry several boxes at once.  Make several trips and you'll get in extra steps plus be less likely to break the ornaments your kids made last year.
  8. Turn on the holiday music and dance around the house.  Depending on your nosy neighbors, you may want to close the blinds.

Enjoy the holidays.  Stay active.


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